Changelog V1.1.0 :
-Updated green ground lights to custom
-Added custom runway white ground lights
-Added tower and more custom nav red lights
-Added custom runway stop bare light (green/red)
-Fixed double windsocks since SU7
-Exluded autogen near RWY05 since SU7
-Excluded unwanted carpark autogen
-Updated airport name
-Added more tire tracks
-Re added gates C2/A6/A10
-Updated Afcad
-Added custom car location aera 2
-Moved A350 static model
-Added LFBD thumbnail for PESIM system users
The update will be available on Market place as soon as Microsoft can add it.
You can do the update on PESIM Central but we have detected an issue for some users who have pink textures after the online update. If your online update failed , please uninstall from windows panel, , verify no scenery files are in community folder , if it is the case , manually delete them .
Then download the setup available on PESIM Central / Products /links and install the product with this setup (do not uncheck the lanch box at the end of the setup)
The new setups will be available also on Simmarket and FSTO accounts later.