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On this page you will find our privacy policy regarding Pilot Experience Sim Products.


Pilot Experience Sim products security system providers​

  • Pilot Experience Sim


Exhaustive list of Pilot Experience Sim re-sellers

  • Simmarket

  • Microsoft


  • Inibuilds Store



What are we collecting

When you buy a Pilot Experience product from our website or from a re-seller, all the data you give to PayPal or to the re-seller are collected, excepted your banking data that is kept private by PayPal or by the re-seller.


Exhaustive list of the data we are collecting to create your license and communicate with you

  • Your first name and your last name

  • Your e-mail addresses

  • Your address (if you give it)

  • Your IP Address

  • Your main network card MAC Address

  • The times at which you activate your license key and the times at which you validate your license key


A part of this data is stored on our security system provider servers host on Digital Ocean. We process the data needed to provide the activation system. and the securised online update system.



What are we doing with the data and who can access it

For the data stored by Simmarket, please refer to their privacy policy:

Simmarket privacy policy can be read here.

Microsoft privacy policy can be read here:


The data that we store on our own is securely stored and only Pilot Experience Sim members have access to this data. We do not share it with any third-party actor.

The data that we store on Pilot Experience Sim servers is securely stored and only Pilot Experience Sim members have access to this data. We We do not share it with any third-party actor.



What you can do with the data we have about you

You can request to see an exhaustive list of the data we have about you at any time.
To request that data, please contact us. We will proceed to an identification to ensure that you are not stealing any other person data. Once this process is done, we will provide you an exhaustive list of the data we have about you.


You can request the data we have about you to be entirely deleted from our system at any time. This process will delete all the data we store about you.
To request a complete delete of your data, please contact us. We will proceed to an identification to ensure that you are not trying to remove any other person data. Once this process is done, we will completely remove all the data we stored about you. We will then notify you that it has been done. Please note that you won't be able to activate your product after this process, as all of your data that is used to validate the license key will not be on our servers anymore.In that case no licence refund will be done



What are we doing if there is a breach in our systems

In the unlikely event of a breach in our systems, we will immediately take action to stop it and minimize the impact. We will then notify you by e-mail or mail about what happened and what you can do about it.We will aslo inform the CNIL in the meantime.


I'm still having questions

Please write us at

Le clos des vignes - 83310 La Môle - FRANCE

Written by Pilot Experience Sim (04-10-2020)

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