🍿Official trailer by iniBuilds :
🔥We are delighted to present Bordeaux LFBD for MSFS version 2.
This update is free of charge for our users, whom we would like to thank for their loyalty.
As you can see from the changelog below, a lot of work has gone into version 2 to bring the scenery up to a much higher standard.
This airport was released at the start of MSFS2020 with the tools and performance available at the time, and the objects having been adapted and redisigned from our scenery for P3D.
You'll now be able to enjoy your favorite airport in very high quality, with incredible night-time ambiences including every last detail, up to date in 2024.
The update is available for Simmarket / Inibuilds / FSTO users via PESIM Central and have been submited to Microsoft for PC /XBOX users.
The new setup file V2.0.0 will gradually become available on Simmarket / Inibuilds / FSTO but can be downloaded on PESIM Central: LFBD MSFS / Links
- Friendly FPS
- Optimized LOD's
- All buildings and ground aera up to date in 2024
- Added custom jetways included custom sounds
- Added 3D peoples
- Updated ILS's to Magnetic headinds and updated Magvar on both runways
- Added custom aerial photoreal mesh covered all the airport aera and BA106
- Updated glasses texturing and effects
- Updated many windows textures including night effect
- Reworked tower design and improved texturing
- Reworked tower interior design included many details
- Reworked Hall A and B design and improved texturing
- Designed all Hall A and B interiors included many details
- Added dynamic informations billboards
- Added dynamic advertising billboards
- Added animated climatisations
- Reworked terminal gates A and B parts design and imporved texturing
- Reworked terminals gate A and B interiors design included many details
- Reworked Sattelites 1,2,3 design and improved texturing
- Reworked Sattelites 1,2,3 interior design included many details
- Added terminals doors interactions with GSX pro
- Added weather occluders in all opened buildings
- Added custom animated flags
- Added hundreds of custom spot lights in the entire airport aera
- Excluded unwanted orbs lights
- Excluded unwanted trees
- Replaced default firefighters vehicles by custom ones
- Replaced many default airport vehicles by custom ones
- Designed all Navigation center aera buildings
- Designed all Dassault aera buildings
- Designed all Stellia / Sabena aera buildings
- Added Sheraton aera buildings
- Added Meteo France building
- Added missing buildings in Fret aera
- Added animated radar building
- Added static Falcon aircrafts
- Added static Dassault md312 flamant
- Added static Mirage 3 on BA106
- Designed a Sabena hangar interior included many details
- Added custom noveSpace vehicles include Flyco 2 pushback , Catering truck and staircases
- Added many library objects
- Updated local vegetation spots
- Updated custom bus texturing
- Added custom Citaro bus
- Added custom animated Bordeaux city tramway
- Updated ground markings
- Designed all roads and car parking in airport aera included many custom objects
- Added hundreds of custom local road signs
- Added all street lights objects
- Added many airport aera fences
- Added many more custom objects everywhere
- Updated VOR building
- Fixed / updated many object and buildings PBR textures
- Excluded default Asobo carparking spots and replaced many cars correctely
- Done many minor fixes
- Excluded unwanted unknow object causing an 11 object at MYNN
- Added golden star for the aiport on the map
- Updated market place datas
- Updated GSX Pro custom preset included new passengers paths and more
- Updated with new setup generation for PESIM system users only (no need PESIM Locator)
You can update online from PESIM Central, but before lanch MSFS ,first you need to delete a folder called :
This folder has been automatically generated by the simulator and is no longer useful, or worse, can create bugs.
That's why we advise you to update it via the new setup.
1. Uninstall LFBD from the Windows control panel
2. delete the remaining folders in the community folder (including the famous CVT)
3. Install as administrator with the new setup V2.0.0 as usual.
Note: you no longer need PESIM Locator for LFBD, and simply target your community folder.
You will have to update our preset with last version to match LFBD V2
The preset is available in PESIM Central /Related product / Links
Or in available files provided on your favorite resseler
As part of our commitment to listening to your needs and investing in free, high-quality updates, we'd like to thank you in advance for taking a few moments to add 5 stars to the Microsoft Market place or other resellers.
This will support our work and enable us to continue in this way.