Here is our advanced custom preset for GSX pro in Ajaccio LFKJ.
> it includes the precise and appropriate repositioning of service vehicles.
Also the "walk in gates" option with the correct passenger paths INSTALLATION : Paste the lfkj-4_nubq.INI in pilot.experiencesim-airport package scenery folder like this: community/pilotexperiencesim-lfkj/scenery/world/pesimlfkj/ The preset can also be found in PESIM Central / Downloads / LFKJ custom Profile GSX-Pro_for MSFS Enjoy ! *Please note that many bugs are still present in this new version of GSX for MSFS so please read the "GSX issues debriefing" text file included in the zip. These bugs still present push us to provide the preset to be installed manually for the moment but as soon as FSDT will have everything fixed, we will include it directly in the scenery files via our installer and online updates.