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We have updated our Ajaccio airport for MSFS.

The update is available on our system and has been submitted to Microsoft market place for PC / Xbox users , we hope it can be available in the next 2 weeks on it .

Changelog V1.2.0 :

-Updated night glass rendered

-Fixed blinking terminal texture

-Updated runway profile to accurate

-Added aviramp static vehicles

-Added custom "la poste" vehicles

-Added more terminal interior objects

-Added more global librairy objects

-Added static 3D peoples

-Deleted unknow Asobo objet caussing big 11 sign at MYNN

-Updated ILS

-Updated red ground texture lines color

-Smoothed out few small bumps on taxiways

-Linked Air Corsica gate to the AFCAD

-Updated ground design included more car park and roads

-Updated vegetation spots

-Updated PESIM GSX custom profile

-Updated LFKJ PESIM setup to new generation (no need PESIM Locator)


>You need to update GSX profile (v1.1.2)

>You can do the online update on PESIM Central

>If you need to install with new setup :

-Uninstall the product from Windows control panel

-Check that no files are still in the community folder (delete them if yes)

-Use the new setup V1.2.0 , select community path to install the product. No more need PESIM Locator

The setup is already available in PESIM Central / LFKJ MSFS / links and will be soon available at Simmarket / Inibuilds and



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