Dear users,
We confirm to you from our current knowledge and the descriptions of Lockheed Martin that our sceneries will work on P3DV5 requiring the movement of a file in a first until the realization of new setups and slight modification of PESIM Central.
We are waiting like everyone else for the release of this new version to check for minor modifications or updates that should be done because all of our sceneries are already compiled with SDKV4 or V4.5hf2 including PBR and dynamic lights.
None of our sceneries require the addition of the "sloped runway" or the values ​​are too low to justify a huge job which would have a cost because everything must follow the slope.
We will simply adjust our dynamic lights if necessary.
A simple manual temporary method will be available on the forum while we make the changes to our setups and update system.
Users of our sceneries will receive free updates for P3DV5